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  • PC Consultants
    PC Consultants
    Over the past 15 years, the PC Consultancy team has successfully developed over 300 on-line business projects. From highly integrated IT-solutions for modern and high-quality Internet websites, to simple promotional brochure sites and online shops.

Business Legal & Accounting Services


Here are collected the government agencies and businesses in Moldova. If your business is not yet on the website - Sign up!

A.C.I. Partners Tax & Accounting
mun. Chisinau, c. Chişinău, Center
(+373 22) 279 323
Accounting, audit, tax, Consultations, business information, Lawyers, notaries
mun. Chisinau, c. Chişinău, Center
Adelina Florea Нотариус
mun. Chisinau, c. Chişinău, Botanica
(+373 22) 767 821
(+373 69) 122 717
Adelina Soltan Публичный нотариус
mun. Chisinau, c. Chişinău, Ciocana
(+373 22) 340 503; (+373 22) 426 000
AD REM Profit
mun. Chisinau, c. Chişinău, Botanica
(+373 22) 550 111
Jumbo shop
Hot chili
Family albums