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  • PC Consultants
    PC Consultants
    Over the past 15 years, the PC Consultancy team has successfully developed over 300 on-line business projects. From highly integrated IT-solutions for modern and high-quality Internet websites, to simple promotional brochure sites and online shops.

Business Nannies & Governesses

Employment agency «Dualis»

REF NR: 590
  • 304
Employment agency «Dualis»

Individual approach to each client! Selection of experienced, trusted and trained personnel!

Psychologist counseling and psychotherapy individually for each client and for the entire family. Giving testimonials and letter of introduction for personal use and legal authorities. The anonymous psychologists counseling by telephone and advisory correspondence in both languages.

Selection and training of personnel to work in the family!

Contact Details

Moldova, mun. Chisinau, c. Chişinău
Buiucani, St. Prunului



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