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Business Children's Development Centers

Children’s Development Center - "Kinder Club"

REF NR: 8416
  • 1853
Children’s Development Center Kinder Club

This Children Development Center was established by loving parents to provide our precious little ones the opportunity to immerse themselves into a wonderful environment, once created with great love and care by Montessori, where the baby will be open to the amazing opportunity to get to know the world with the help of Montessori Method, which is ideally corresponds to the little one’s needs.

Children’s Development Center Kinder Club

It is advocated the attitude to the child, as a unique, free, inimitable person, with his or her own development plan, personal methods and timing of development of the world.

Children’s Development Center Kinder Club

The environment is based on a large number of modern and high-quality Montessori materials and meets the standards for Montessori spaces.

Our development center along with great joy involves huge responsibility and difficult work. Being a parent you have a responsibility for how happy your childhood is and how well the kid can reveal his or her natural potential. It is not enough to give your child a treat, it is necessary to make every minute of his life filled with creation. It's not as easy as it seems to sound. Today there are many kinds of techniques which allow helping children to develop their natural talents and become true leaders.

Children’s Development Center Kinder Club

In our fast-paced and busy world, not all parents can find so needed time and devote themselves to their children’s and moreover be aware of the most advanced developing techniques. You also have an option just to take your child to the nearest kindergarten, where it will be cared for. Or you can opt for a truly professional teachers and educators who will do everything necessary to ensure that the baby grew and develop rapidly day by day. If you care about your child and want to give your little one best you can then the children's development Montessori Center “Kinder Club” is sure to attract your attention. Today, our center warmly welcomes children from 8 months to 7 years, as well as their caring parents.

Attending our Montessori center “Kinder Club” your children will be able to:

• to find new ideas and hidden features, go beyond stereotypes;
• to independently extract the necessary information and knowledge;
• to see and watch things that are hidden from most people and what they do not attach great importance to
• to work with new information, highlight the main idea, which is very useful in school!
• to analyze the reasons for their own failures, search for the best and shortest ways of solving problems.

This is the most important for us


  • cozy and homely relaxed atmosphere
  • kindness, respect and attention to each child
  • friendship, support and mutual assistance
  • develop of confidence, independence, positive self-esteem, the ability to make decisions
  • interesting, useful and informative sessions
  • time to play, relaxation and fun

In our Montessori center “Kinder Club” there is a great teacher with thirty- year experience working with children, as well as a psychologist with ten-year work experience. They have completed special training Montessori courses at Ukraine.

Children’s Development Center Kinder Club

In our time, when many children are suffering from different kinds of allergens, we have tried to bring their influence to a minimum in our class:

• All furniture is made of high quality wood
• all cover is hypoallergenic
• cleaned three times a day
• no plants and animals are in the classroom
• all Montessori modules are manufactured at the Russian factory of high quality materials, each of them has a quality certificate.

Contact Details

Moldova, mun. Chisinau, c. Chişinău
Botanica, Bld. Decebal, 80

(+373 022) 264426

(+373) 69036940


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