Over the past 15 years, the PC Consultancy team has successfully developed over 300 on-line business projects. From highly integrated IT-solutions for modern and high-quality Internet websites, to simple promotional brochure sites and online shops.
Medpark International Hospital (official name ICS ”Health Forever International” SRL) is the first and the biggest multidisciplinary private hospital in the Republic of Moldova. Designed as a centre of excellence, Medpark has operating rooms and fully equipped private rooms for patients, maternity ward, its own testing laboratories, polyclinic and ultra-modern imaging department.
Open 24/7, the hospital provides services in compliance with the health standards recognized worldwide and at the same level as leading medical institutions on the international market. Due to its modern infrastructure and a highly qualified medical team, which constantly monitors the quality of the health care, the services offered by Medpark guarantee the safety and the satisfaction of the patients.
Medpark is the first hospital in Moldova, internationally accredited by the Joint Commission International, which represents the global gold standard in terms of quality of healthcare and patient safety.
Medpark brings together more than 200 doctors, teachers, lecturers, doctors in medical science that covers all medical and surgical specialties and treat more than 60,000 patients annually.
Spitalul Internaţional Medpark este primul şi cel mai mare spital multidisciplinar privat din ţară. Conceput ca un centru de excelenţă, Medpark dispune de săli de operaţie şi rezerve de spitalizare ultradotate, maternitate, laborator propriu de analize, policlinică şi departament de imagistică ultra performantă.
Deschis 24/24 ore şi 7/7 zile, spitalul oferă servicii medicale de înaltă calitate în conformitate cu standardele şi practicile internaţionale, egale cu cele ale instituţiilor medicale lideri pe piaţa internaţională. Graţie unei infrastructuri moderne şi a unei echipe înalt calificate ce monitorizează încontinuu calitatea îngrijirii medicale, serviciile oferite la Medpark garantează siguranţa şi satisfacţia pacienţilor.
Medpark este prima unitate din Moldova acreditată internaţional de către Joint Commision International, care reprezintă standardul de aur la nivel mondial în ceea ce privește calitatea actului medical și siguranţa pacienţilor.
Medpark reunește peste 200 de medici, profesori, conferenţiari, doctori în ştiinţe medicale, care acoperă toate specialităţile medicale şi chirurgicale care trateaza anual peste 60.000 de pacienţi.
It is necessary requirements to make your business known to your clients, for both those who are involved in starting businesses or have already conduct one.
An exciting option from “Prospect” and to assist your awareness is the ability to place your business within prospect.md pages in one category for FREE. Giving brief information about your business together with contact information; thus giving a new and dynamic presence for your commercial activity.
Package BASE is great for both small and medium-sized businesses. It has a well-developed marketing strategy and is ready to bring your customers information about the products or services provided. Prospect.md will make sure that your potential customers have complete and detailed information about the company and your business.
Thanks to the specified position on the map your clients can easily find where you are.
Our Premium package is an excellent choice for medium-sized businesses, which wishes to profile across several categories. Encompassing a colourful photo gallery and a relevant video will complement the detailed description of the company and its functionality.
Moreover our Premium package allows companies to place their personal news on Prospect.md namely the description of their new services, current promotions and events associated with them.
suitable for medium & large businesses
599 €
the first year and then transition and payment as per PREMIUM?
VIP PACKAGE - идеальное решение для среднего и большого бизнеса, у которого, на сегодняшний, момент нет своего собственного сайта или существующий сайт не дает желательного результата.
VIP PACKAGE дает возможность размещения рекламы о компании в трех соответствующих рубриках Prospect.md с полным пакетом информации, а также включает разработку и создания собственного веб-сайта компании, с последующим его обслуживанием и продвижением с помощью данного информационного портала.
Внимание! По истечению года после выбора VIP PACKAGE, Вы сможете перейти на любой другой пакет, предлагаемый нашей компанией. Например, выбрав BASE, Вы оплачиваете только стоимость пакета плюс оплата за хостинг и поддержку Вашего сайта.
Nice clinic!
Nice clinic! Unfortunately I’ve been there twice but fortunately was treated well :-)