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  • Memorial Complex of Fallen Soldiers for the City's Liberation
    Memorial Complex of Fallen Soldiers for the City's Liberation
    Memorial Complex of Fallen Soldiers for the City's Liberation in 1944. In the 1920s on the place of the contemporary Glory Memorial was located Square, where was buried the Commissioner of Cavalry Brigade - Gregory Kotovskiy, V.F Khristophorov. The Commissioner together with the commander head of Tiraspol liberated the city from the White Guard troops and the looters during the Civil War.

History Monuments

Monument to Ion and Doina Aldea-Teodorovici

REF NR: 7410
  • 3546
Aldea - Ion and Doina Teodorovich are the Moldovan artists without which it is difficult to imagine contemporary music of Moldova, were born on 7th April 1954 in Leovo and on 15th November, 1958 in Chisinau.

Ion Aldea - Teodorovici – is the Honoured Artist of Moldova, composer and singer. He wrote more than 300 songs, music for films. Ion worked with his brother Peter Teodorovici, Lazariuc Anastasia, Sophia Rotaru, Ion Suruceanu, Nina Krulikovsky, Zinaida Zhulia and many other well - known performers.

Doina Aldea - Teodorovici – is the singer, sang in duet with her husband since 1992, foreign literature teacher and the dancer. She is also the Honoured Artist of Moldova.

On 30th October 1992 the artists Ion and Doina Aldea-Teodorovici died in a car crash. The accident occurred in the night between the 29tn and 30th October 1992. At 49 kilometres from Bucharest, near the settlement Kosereni, the car on which the artists went to Chisinau, crashed into a tree.

Памятник Иону и Дойне Алдя-Теодорович

Monument to Ion and Doina Aldea -Teodorovici is installed at the entrance into the park on the A. Mateevici Street, opposite the main building of the Kishinev State University.
In Moldova, the death of spouses Ion and Doina Aldea - Teodorovici meant as a national tragedy. Son of these artists - Christie Aldea- Teodorovici based the festival "Doua inimi gemene" (“Two geminus hearts”), it is dedicated to the memory of two great performers.

According to the son Ion and Doina Aldea- Teodorovici - Christopher Aldea- Teodorovici, the monument differs by its impressiveness which corresponds to the amount of artists` talent. It is one of the most touching and tragic monuments in Chisinau.

Contact Details

Moldova, mun. Chisinau, c. Chişinău
Center, St. A. Mateevici, 77