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Statements of fact with regard to the remote but glorious Moldovan past plunge you into examining the historical events of our country. At times, we do not even suspect that an obvious unremarkable historical nuance can hide a plethora of past secrets. With great names of history, victories and defeats, monuments, buildings, excavations, military installations, and much more - all together proclaim a rich tapestry only waiting for you to discover our Moldovan heritage with the help of our online guidance - under the heading of History of Moldova.

Boyar Ion Hasnas’ Manor
141 km from Chisinau, in the village of Sofia, district Drochia, there is the mansion of Boyar Ion Hasnas. It was..
dis. Drochia, v. Sofia
Fire Museum
Not all of Chisinau residents know about this museum, however foreign tourists love to go and see this place...
mun. Chisinau, c. Chişinău, Botanica
House museum of artist Igor Vieru
House museum of artist Igor Vieru
dis. Donduseni, v. Cernoleuca
House-Museum of A.S. Pushkin
The great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin was exiled to Moldova from the capital of Russia for three years by tsarist..
mun. Chisinau, c. Chişinău, Center
House-Museum of Eminent Poet and Writer Alexei Mateevici
About 95 kilometers from Chisinau in the village of Zaim there is a house-museum of Alexei Mateevici. Being an eminent..
dis. Causeni, c. Causeni
House-Museum of writer, journalist and politician Constantine Stamati
House-Museum of writer, journalist and politician Constantine Stamati
dis. Ocnita, c. Ocnita
Manor of Balioza
Museum of Folk Handicrafts in Ivancea
dis. Orhei, v. Ivancea
Manor of Manuk-Bey
Manuk- Bei, armenian by birth, was a renowned Turkish diplomat and Russian intelligence agent concurrently. The palace..
dis. Hincesti, c. Hincesti
Memorial House "Liviu Damian"
In memory of the outstanding compatriot in 1995 in the village Corlateni there was opened the memorial house "Liviu..
dis. Riscani, v. Corlateni
Museum of director Emil Loteanu
Museum of director Emil Loteanu
dis. Ocnita, v. Clocusna
Museum of Folk Handicrafts in the village  Ivancha
There is the Museum of Folk Handicrafts in the village Ivancha in an old mansion of Boyar Balioz.
dis. Orhei, v. Ivancea
Museum of Labor Glory of Electric Control
In 1974 in Chisinau the Museum of Labor Glory of Electric Control opened its doors to visitors. The building was built..
mun. Chisinau, c. Chişinău, Center
Natural History Museum of Moldova State University
The museum was formed in 1952. Its unique exhibits were collected by students and graduates of the Faculty of Biology..
mun. Chisinau, c. Chişinău, Center
Shusev Museum
In the beginning of the 29th century one of the most beautiful and attractive streets of Chisinau was considered to be..
mun. Chisinau, c. Chişinău, Center