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History Cave-Monasteries / Caves


One can get really genuine admiration from the “toltry” – rocks, which from afar look like real mountain ranges. Preserved to us caves were inhabited by monks hundreds of thousands of years ago. They are cultural and historical sites of the country. Tipova and Saharna monasteries annually attract a huge amount of visitors both guests of Moldova and locals.

And one of the main attractions of Moldova is considered to be Emil Rakovitsa Cave or as it is also called "Cinderella". It is the longest underground gallery in the world.

Emil Rakovitsa Cave or "Cinderella"
Emil Rakovitsa Cave is one of the main attractions of Moldova. It is believed that it is the longest underground..
dis. Briceni, v. Criva
Tipova - is one of the most amazing sights in Moldova. This nature reserve is located 100 km. north of Chisinau. The..
dis. Rezina, v. Tipova